Do you believe in ghosts? I do. I have actually had a ghost call me by name. I have studied ghosts for years I don't know why I have been so fascinated by them other then it is an attempt for me to come to terms with my own mortality. Studying that subject has caused me not to fear death, and it has also comforted me with the passing of My Mom and Grandmother.

I actually had an experience two nights after Mom died. I was in my bathroom packing to go to Nacogdoches to the funeral. I had had a hard day because for some reason that night it hit me that I had lost my Mom and my Grandmother within a 4 month period of time. SO I was crying as I busied myself packing. All of the sudden I smelt the distinct odor of Shalamar which is the perfume my Grandmother wore. The odor was so strong that it made me stop and take notice and wonder where it was coming from. It lasted for about 10 seconds and then was gone all together. NO ODOR AT ALL LEFT. I went out in the bedroom sniffing for the source with no luck. It unnerved me so much that I went down the hall and woke my sleeping Aunt up and told her what had happened. She asked me what I was doing and I told her I had been crying. She said. "Oh that was only Grandmother trying to calm you down. Now go to bed."

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